Author or Editor: Robert Niemi
Publisher: ABC-CLIO
Published: 2006
Pages: 501
Size: 4,3MB
From 1981 to 2005, thirteen of the twenty-five Oscar winners for Best Picture have been movies based in history. Over the same period, 32 of the 100 films nominated for Best Picture have had their basis in historical events. Both statistics testify to the continuing power and prestige of history as source material in the film business. Likewise, when members of a viewing audience see the familiar phrase, “based on a true story,” flash on the screen during the opening credit sequence, they tend to assume, rightly or wrongly, that the movie they are about to watch will deliver more significance than a pure fiction and will therefore require a heightened level of attentive engagement and respect. The irony is rich: in a constantly accelerating culture of consumption that fosters short attention spans and shorter memories, historical subject matter somehow continues to hold strong sway over filmmakers and moviegoers.
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