#21 - Anthony O'Hear - Beyond Evolution

Author or Editor: Anthony O'Hear

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Published: 2003
Pages: 162

The aim of this book is to examine the extent to which evolutionary accounts of human experience are adequate. In examining this question, I focus on human knowledge, on morality, and on our sense of beauty. I suggest that our current activities in each area certainly derive in important ways from our biological nature, but that once having emerged they cannot usefully be analysed in biological or evolutionary terms. I also attempt to indicate the significance of human community and of our cultural inheritance in the identity and rationality of each one of us. At the same time, I attempt to vindicate the traditional view that each human being is possessed of a rationality which means that he or she can transcend what is given in biology and culture. We are prisoners neither of our genes nor of the ideas we encounter as we each make our personal and individual way through life.

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